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Response Team

The Texas LODD Task Force Response Team

When a line of duty death occurs, the aftermath can send a department into a tailspin. The trauma and stress of the situation can be blinding. Most departments find that a myriad of support ard services are quickly offered by many individuals, departments, and organizations. While this offered help is well-intentioned, it can quickly become overwhelming and confusing. If your department does experience a line of duty death, it is important that contact is made to the appropriate entities as soon as possible so that some of the initial stress can be eliviated.


Our team is comprised of members who have extensive training and experience in handling the unique needs of a department and family who has experienced a death. With hundreds of hours of experience in funeral arrangements, benefits assistance, and counseling our team provides professional, transparent and compassionate care. All of our team members volunteer their time and efforts.


Our team is designed to be 'on scene' within 12 hours (in many cases we have been able to respond within 6 hours) after a death has occurred and a call for assistance has been made. Our team will never self-deploy or show up to your department uninvited, so it is crucial that contact is made with us as soon as possible to request our assistance.


Our team can provide the following services to traumatic and cardiac related fatalaties but are not limited to:


  • basic to full honors fire/ems service funeral arrangements per request of the family

  • honor guard basics for departments without honor guard teams

  • crisis intervention

  • chaplaincy care

  • resource management

  • logistics

  • personal assistance to commanding officers by other commanding officers

  • benefits assistance

  • media/communications assistance such as PIO

  • administrative assistance

Need Our Response Team Now?  Call Us At 832-757-1499


We will deploy a team of experts to a line of duty death that will guide your agency in providing a full honors funeral. From officer level support, to logistics and communications to honor guard, to crisis management and chaplains.  We have the support you need and we will be on the ground in 12 hours or less.


Our team of Honor Guard Commanders are at the top of their field.  They are highly educated and have a lot of experience in handling honors funerals.  Our Honor Guard Commanders will respond to an LODD and teach your department honor guard movements (if you don't have an HG Team) so that your agency can fully participate in funeral honors. 

Benefits Assistance

We provide benefits specialists that know how to handle the State & National Benefits for LODD's. They are the best at what they do and maintain close relationships with the benefits agencies we work with. 


The goal of our response team is to provide agencies with the tools and resources they need to be able to honor their own.  Our team tends to stand behind or stand beside a department as a form of support.  We do not take over. We consult with your officers, and your  members and then offer suggestions. While we have the capabilities of proving team members to step into fill various roles, our goal is use your personnel first.  This gives them ownership of the funeral.

Currently we are unable to provide full team responses to cancer or suicide deaths.  This is due to a lack of resources, support, and volunteers to be able to respond to the many cancer and suicide deaths that we get called for yearly.  We also follow the criteria for PSOB and the DOJ in regard to LODD's.  At this time, they both do not recognize cancer or suicide as a LODD.  However, we will provide phone support, and if possible, we will send an Honor Guard Commander to assist.

Texas LODD Task Force

PO Box 925
Friendswood, TX 77546


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(c) 2022 Texas LODD Task Force

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