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Is your agency prepared to handle an LODD, LODI, or Suicide?

Task Force Classes

It’s hard for a department to think about a line of duty death happening to one of their members, however not preparing for such an event can cause even more heartache and stress on everyone involved should a tragedy occur. The emergency services are good at preparing for disasters and emergencies of all kinds and preparing for a line of duty death or injury should be no exception. Having a plan in place will help ensure that caring for the family, department members, putting together a funeral, and caring for long term needs will run a bit smoother.

The TX LODD Task Force offers a three hour preparation course and a comprehensive eight hour course. The three hour course is geared more towards departments who would like to schedule classes for short day or evening trainings. The eight hour course is taylored more for larger departments, county schools, or multiple department training.

The three hour course features:

  • basic planning information

  • benefits overview

  • caring for survivors


The eight hour course features:

  • Texas fatality overview

  • Preparing and writing guidelines for your department

  • Caring for survivors- family and department

  • Notification

  • Benefits

  • Psychological aspects

  • Discussion/Group Scenerios

  • Handouts/Materials

  • Some classes have special presenters


This course has been taught at: Texas A&M weekend and summer municapl schools, Federation of Fire Chaplain’s Annual Conference, SFFMA, and weekend courses, county firefighter association schools and meetings, various fire, ems, and police departments around Texas.


Other Courses

These courses are perfect for conferences, breakout sessions, or put together for a day-long educational experience.

  • The First 6 Hours- What chief officers and departments need to focus on during the first 6 hours after a fatality.

  • Leadership Through Loss- 7 keys for a chief officer to use in the event they suffer a line of duty death or some other loss.  

  • Help!  How Do I Get Them Help?- Understanding the difference between psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and how an agency can find the best professional to care for their members.

  • Surviving Survivors Guilt- Learning about survivors guilt, what causes it, and how to recover from it.  Can include information on PTSD, vicarious trauma, etc.

  • CISM, PFA, EAP: What Does It All Mean?- Understanding the differences between peer support models, professional care and how to choose the right system for your agency.

  • Lessons Learned After the Suicide of a First Responder


For more information or to schedule this course please email us at or call us at 832-647-6770.


Taylor Honor Guard Academy

The Taylor Honor Guard academy teaches first responders the fundamental elements of honor guard duties. This class is held annually in Taylor, Texas and is sponsored by the Taylor Fire Department and the Taylor Professional Firefighters Association.  It is recognized by the Texas Fire Chiefs Association, the Texas State Association of Firefighters, and the Texas Line of Duty Death Task Force. Click here for more information.


Train the Trainer/Train the Responder

For those individuals who are interested in responding with the Task Force and/or would like to teach our LODD Preparation course, this class is what you need. The morning session will be for those who would like to join the team. We will discuss response procedures, family & department assistance, roles and jobs, benefits, information about the NFFF LAST. The afternoon session will be geared towards teaching the LODD Prep class. Discussions will be on various topics regarding LODD, teaching models, materials and hand outs, breakout sessions, dynamics of teaching this type of class.


For more information or to schedule this course please email us at or call us at 832-647-6770.

Texas LODD Task Force

PO Box 925
Friendswood, TX 77546


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